Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Funnies

Charlotte was playing with cards on the kitchen floor and left the room leaving them where they were.  Caroline moves over and starts picking up the cards and while doing so she says, "pick up sissy, daddy step on them!"

Charlotte was playing with Caroline saying, "come here baby."  Caroline replies, "I'm not a baby.  I'm Caroline!"

Charlotte was playing with her doll and Caroline gave the doll a kiss.  Charlotte says, "I'm wiping your kiss off!"

Caroline:  "Can I have a donut like Grammy has?"
Me:  "We don't have any donuts."
Caroline: "But I need them!"

Charlotte and I were playing Go Fish and I asked if she had a 9.  She says no, but I have the number 2!

Caroline says, "Mom, are you freaking out?!"

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