Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dear Santa...

I saw Dear Santa, I can explain online and I immediately thought of my darling little Caroline!
Oh sure there are times when she is happy, sweet, funny, and lovable, but she sure can have attitude! She had a tantrum the other night for a good 30 minutes because I wouldn't give her another dose of medicine (yeah she's probably the only kid who likes to take medicine).  She does not like the word no and if she doesn't want to do something, like a wear a hat outside when it is 15 degrees out, then she WON'T!  And she's already started saying, "I don't like you mommy!"  Ahhhhhh, terrible twos!!!!
 This is not staged.  She gave me a hard time about wearing the outfit and taking pictures. "Mama no pictures, I fine," she says.  But I want a picture, so this is what I got!  Someday, I will fondly look back on this post :)

She has a lot of explaining to do!

This is the outfit she wanted to wear.

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