Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fun with Family

We spent the afternoon/evening with the Bolduc's.
 We got to meet their new addition, Sully.  Such a cutie!
 Happy girl, it's the little things!
 Blake needed his mama's sunglasses while shoveling.
 Ryan was happy scooping poop!!

 LOVE these kids
Caroline finally woke from her 2 hour car nap!

 Of course there was nail painting

 Grabbed a book, love that girl!
 Ryan was pretty sure he wanted his done too!
 Can't forget little princess!
 Auntie's turn
 Thank you Auntie and Uncle for this delicious ham dinner.

Celebrating Auntie's birthday on Wednesday

 So, so happy to be outside with the big kids playing kickball.  She ran around the entire time!
Good times!

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