Thursday, March 27, 2014

Adventures of Puppy Sitting!

There was never a dull moment with Sully around.   Oh, the fun we had...

Sully trying to eat Caroline's diaper!
Sully getting his teeth on one of Charlotte's drawings from school followed by a heartbroken 5 year old!
Caroline putting her foot in the dog's water bowl!
Caroline eating the dog food! 
Caroline locking herself in the crate!
Sully running up to Caroline, Caroline saying "tickle, tickle!"
Sully pulling the toilet paper off the roll!
Caroline giving her toys to Sully, me taking them away, Caroline giving more of her toys to Sully, me taking them away...
Charlotte saying to Sully while he was in his crate for jumping and knocking down Caroline, "You can't jump.  You'll hurt someone.  Do you understand?" 
Charlotte calling him "puff." (I think maybe because of his puffy fur!)
 And the absolute best part was when Sully had pooped on the floor, I scooped it up with a dust pan, took it outside to throw it in the bushes, lost my balance on the ice, and the poop went flying in the air!  The only thing I was thinking was I hope it doesn't land on my head.  It didn't and somehow I stayed on my two feet!  Pat was watching and thought it was the funniest thing ever!!

He liked sleeping in the bean bag.
 We went through a lot of treats to get this picture!!  Caroline was crying because there were no more treats to give!
Good times, but maybe now's not the time for a puppy!!

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