Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Funnies

Charlotte says to me, "Mom, I need to get my baby down for a nap and you're making a ruckus!"

"Mom, do you want to go camping with us?  We're camping at the north pole!"

Caroline was looking at the Santa's Village brochure and points to a ride.  The conversation goes like this:
Caroline: "Sissy go on that ride."
Me: "Yeah, sissy went on that ride."
Caroline:  "Me too.  Me big."
Me: "oh, you're big?"
Caroline: "yeah."

Caroline is holding her blanket and baby and says, "mommy, hold me please."  As I'm holding/snuggling her she says,"I like it."  Aww I love it!

Charlotte brought her baby along on our shopping trip.

And this is where the little one hides when she takes something without asking!  She's under sissy's bed! 

She's T-R-O-U-B-L-E alright!
 I kept yelling "Caroline, where are you," but she kept quiet as a mouse.  It took me a few minutes to find her.  This time she had only taken a fruit cup!

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