Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Funnies

Charlotte was looking for something and says, "Where did I put that?  I think I'm losing my mind!"  Her mama might say that from time to time!

Caroline is potty training and I said, "let's go sit on the potty."  She replies, "No, I'm busy.  Working."

Caroline was without a diaper and I gave her a blueberry yogurt.  Charlotte says, "you better put a diaper on her.  Blueberries make you poop!"

Caroline was singing along to one of her songs in the car so I started singing along with her.  She says, "mama, don't sing with me please."

Caroline spilled her milk at breakfast and says, "minor, mama, minor."  That's what her Papa says!

Caroline was looking through Charlotte's wallet and says, "money gone mama, money gone!"

We were leaving the grocery store and Caroline says, "bye grapes, bye pears!"

I was in the kitchen and yelled to Caroline, "whatcha doing?"  She replied, "working."  So I went in to see.  Yep, helping Dad shim some windows!!

Below is Charlotte's picture of our chickens.  6 young ones (4 white, 2 brown and the one with the red on top is the rooster) and 3 adult ones.  Nice work! 

And Charlotte sure does love rainbows!!

Charlotte got dressed by herself.
I asked her why the leggings and she said because it matched her shirt!

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