Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Spaces

 Over the past few months, Pat has been hard at work remodeling both Charlotte and Caroline's bedrooms.
Charlotte's room before. This picture was taken in 2011 after moving in and painting the walls pink.  
 During.  Wood paneling was removed, new bigger windows were installed, and new flooring was put down.
And AFTER...

Yarn wrapped monogram (pinterest inspiration)

 Fabric embroidery hoops (yep, gotta love pinterest!)

 Charlotte and I made this frame using cardboard and scrapbook paper.  We framed a page from her Fancy Nancy calendar and it will hang over her dress up cabinet that I am refinishing (good times!)
Love this!

Caroline's Room Before
This was taken in 2011 and this room was used as our dining room while we were remodeling the kitchen.  After Caroline was born, Pat made this room a bedroom for her.  Recently, he remodeled her room the same as he did for Charlotte.  While remodeling, the girls were sharing a room and I think everyone is glad they have their own room back!  Charlotte told Caroline that she didn't like her waking her up!
 Walls are painted sage green, not lime green as the pictures depict.

Fabric hoops
Button monogram C

DIY canvas print

Growth chart I made

Changes were also made to our dining room.
Dining room before
We had planned on sanding and refinishing the wide pine floor, but when we found out that Caroline's lead level was high and this blue paint contained lead, we immediately decided that we needed to paint it.  And in came the help, Christine and Rob!  ( I am happy to report that Caroline's lead level is slowly decreasing; what a SCARE!)
 We had a hard time choosing the colors to go with our wall color and after painting it light brown we quickly changed our mind and ended up with a shade of green and black.

Our house we bought 2.5 years ago was in need of some major TLC, but with A LOT of hard work, determination, and long hours we (mostly my incredible hard working husband) have proudly transformed our house into a lovely home.  More renovations to come...

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