Saturday, November 30, 2013

Paper Plate Snowman

 Drawing eyes
Gluing buttons
 Tying on the scarf

 We proudly displayed "sleighbear" (no idea where that one came from!) on our front door!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!


Loves her Papa!

 Very happy to be playing with/being chased by the boys!

 Happy kids in a room full of toys!

 You know she's tired when she falls asleep in her carseat before you get to the car and in a house full of noise!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Snow (just a little bit!)

But it was enough to get this girl excited!  
After the snow finished falling this morning, we quickly stepped outside to take a few pictures in her holiday outfit because it just looked so pretty outside!

Then it was all play for these two girls.  I couldn't contain them any longer!

All she has been talking about since the first sight of snow is making snow angels.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Holiday Photos

I love groupon!  Jennifer and Michael Moore Photography were offering a studio session for $25 and I just couldn't pass it up especially since Auntie Christine had brought over the cutest outfits for the girls and I had a $10 off coupon.  So for $15 I got a studio photo session with prints...not bad!  The session was yesterday and of all the days this was one where Caroline woke up SICK...ugh!  She slept all the time we were in the car and the session did not go well.  She didn't want any part of it and we couldn't get a smile out of our usual smiley, cheerful, playful little girl.  You know it's bad when we're in a room full of toys and all she wanted to do was sit and cuddle with her mama...that is so not her.  I was bummed, but Charlotte was a great little poser!  You can view the pictures here.  Password is Crystal.

During the session Charlotte says, "Mama you worry about Caroline and I'll sit and look at the lady with the camera and smile!"
In the middle of the session, Charlotte yells, "Santa just walked by!  He came from the north pole!"
Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said, "a dinosaur.  A blue one!"
Santa asked what her favorite cookie was and she said, "ones with m&m's, but my daddy eats them all!"

AND less than 24 hours later here is the Caroline we know and love!

I got down to take a better picture so she did too!

Rolling the ornament to me
So I wasn't impressed with the quality of those pictures so we moved to a different room with more natural lighting.

I'm singing, she's dancing!