Monday, April 22, 2024

Vacation week

 We didn't go far, but we were busy! Between Charlotte working 3 jobs, softball practice, a horse show, and a little fun in between!

Starting off with a lobster roll

Monday Caroline went to the beach with her friend Ella. Charlotte and I went to Portland and did our Platos/Whole Foods/Trader Joe's run.

Wells beach

Tuesday's softball practice

Thursday Samantha and Olivia came over for a sleepover.

Friday Charlotte was treated to an overnight birthday trip with Auntie and Mimi in Massachusetts!

Playing catch with Dad and his 40 year old baseball glove

Sunday was Charlotte's first horse show at Lucky Clover. For the first show, they always start out with walk and trot, something easy so they don't get overwhelmed and can build their confidence.
For her first show and on a horse she'd never ridden, she did great! Two 3rd place and a 1st place ribbon!

Bowling with Caroline after the show

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