Sunday, September 24, 2023

Field hockey

USM Gorham Sunday 17th
It was a hot one, but these five 6th grade girls played awesome!
Tied Saco 1-1
Won vs Lake Region 14-0
Won vs Saco 7-0
Caroline had 2 goals, but more importantly the girls played so well together, great passing, stick handling, offense, and some pretty good defense only allowing 1 goal!

Wednesday was an early release day so Maddie came over for a bit before their games in Biddeford.

Laughing so hard 

They won both their games 2-1

Today we were in Scarborough for 4 20 minute games
Lost against both Sanford teams, 8-3 and 6-3.  Won against Scarborough 6-1 and won against Falmouth 3-0. Caroline had a goal in the Scarborough game.

Love watching her play!  She has improved so much over the past 3 years.

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