Sunday, June 27, 2021


Ugh...Caroline tested positive for COVID, but I'm so grateful she had minor symptoms.  On Friday the 18th, she woke up with a headache and a temp of 100.2.  Saturday she felt fine, no headache and normal temp.  Sunday we went for a hike and she just wasn't herself.  I kept asking her if she was ok and she said she was fine.  A mile into our hike on a uphill climb I could see she was swaying backwards and that is when she said her belly hurt really bad and she was tired.  We hiked back down and headed home.  She felt better once we got home, but I took her in to get tested and got a positive result Monday.  The only lingering symptoms she had was congestion, which lasted about 4 days, and she lost her sense of smell, but she could taste.  On Friday the 25th, she felt 100% completely fine, but still can't smell.  The rest of us never had any symptoms and our tests were negative.  I got retested a few days later to be sure and it was still negative, which is really surprising since I gave her kisses, hugs, and shared food with her before knowing.

It wasn't a good way to start summer, but thankful it was a minor case and no one else got it. 

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