Thursday, February 7, 2019

Life Lately

Sleepovers with Ava every Friday night
They were playing and Ava was a bandit!
Sitting by the fire on cold winter days
 Enjoying the Bolduc's new puppy, Coco 
and I've been enjoying my new chair/sitting area in front of the fireplace.  A great place to read! 
Caroline went to the movies with her bff, Madi 
 Caroline's now old enough to ride on the back and she was so happy about that!
Woohoo, Pats win their 6th super bowl!!

Charlotte tested positive for the flu and had a rough couple days.  She missed 2 days of school, but after a couple doses of Tamiflu her fever broke and was feeling much better.
Auntie Christine brought a gift bag with a magazine, movies, and drinks.  So sweet!

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