Friday, June 17, 2016

Last Week of School & Happy Birthday Caroline!

Monday I volunteered for field day at Charlotte's school.
Thursday was their last day of school with a talent show in the morning.
 On to 2nd (and last year) of preschool and 2nd grade!
 It was was also Caroline's 4th birthday!!
 And Papa's birthday too!!
 Before the show, they honored two very special people.  This was Mrs. Shaw's last year as PTSA President and like the principal said they have very BIG shoes to fill.  She is amazing in so many ways. 
And after 30 years of service in the cafeteria, this amazing woman is retiring.  I love that they made her an apron with all the students thumbprint in the shape of a fruit.
 The teachers sang her a song.
Dance performance and glow sticks, so fun and creative! 
 Charlotte's class danced to Surfin' USA and they were awesome!  Her teacher did such a good job!

Charlotte is in the blue dress in the back, right side, behind the boy in the white shirt.  She has been so excited for this dance and had so much fun!  

Caroline getting herself a balloon 
Thank you Grammy and Papa for Ariel the Mermaid doll, she is in love!

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