Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Life Lately

Stomach bugs, date night, warm weather, school, and errands...nothing too exciting.  
Saturday night Pat and I enjoyed a night out celebrating his cousin Charlie's birthday.  It was a night filled with lots of laughs, good food, and just adults!!  Meanwhile the girls were having a sleepover at Grammy and Papa's and they both came down with a 24 hour stomach bug.  Thank you Grammy and Papa for taking such good care of them!  
Washing my car in January (what a great husband!) 
Pat has also been hard at work turning our old bathroom into a walk in pantry.
Next up: staining the floor, putting up shelves, and installing cabinets.
Pat also recycled these hardware cabinets and butcher block to make a new craft table/supply organizer for the girls art room.  Charlotte decorated the drawer labels and I glued on fabric to cover the metal. 
It's a great spot for doing homework.
 Charlotte is doing great at reading bedtime stories all by herself! 
First day of February...we're blowing bubbles and the snow is melting!

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