Monday, February 29, 2016

Just some random pictures from my phone...
 Collecting sap

 Time to boil

 Beautiful day at the park
 The girls love roughhousing with Alex!  What a good sport!!
 Another warm February day
I get out all the toys and she says, "oh yeah, Summer is here!"
"When I grow up, I'm gonna play soccer!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Early Season

We've been very busy getting ready for maple syrup season, which has already started due to the warm winter.  Our trees are tapped and the sap is running.  This year, we've gone from our homemade evaporator made out of cinder blocks to a Mason evaporator and Pat is in the process of building a sap house.
The girls love helping
Sap house 
Every year a local orchard comes and taps some of our trees and the girls jumped at the chance to help them!

Friday, February 12, 2016

100th Day, Valentine's, & Color Wars

Counting out 100 marbles for the 100th day of school! 
 Valentine cards for her friends, "You are a GEM of a friend" with a ring eraser attached.
Color Wars, 1st grade wears orange
Charlotte's class (photo credit Charlotte's teacher, Mrs. Pena)

Sunday, February 7, 2016


 Taking a break

Embracing Winter in Maine!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Remember when...

it was 50 degrees out?!
We splashed in the mud puddles and played outside for 2 hours.

That was yesterday

This is today...
Gotta love Maine weather!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Life Lately

Stomach bugs, date night, warm weather, school, and errands...nothing too exciting.  
Saturday night Pat and I enjoyed a night out celebrating his cousin Charlie's birthday.  It was a night filled with lots of laughs, good food, and just adults!!  Meanwhile the girls were having a sleepover at Grammy and Papa's and they both came down with a 24 hour stomach bug.  Thank you Grammy and Papa for taking such good care of them!  
Washing my car in January (what a great husband!) 
Pat has also been hard at work turning our old bathroom into a walk in pantry.
Next up: staining the floor, putting up shelves, and installing cabinets.
Pat also recycled these hardware cabinets and butcher block to make a new craft table/supply organizer for the girls art room.  Charlotte decorated the drawer labels and I glued on fabric to cover the metal. 
It's a great spot for doing homework.
 Charlotte is doing great at reading bedtime stories all by herself! 
First day of February...we're blowing bubbles and the snow is melting!