Friday, August 28, 2015

Story Land

We enjoyed a great day at Story Land yesterday.

 Taking the pumpkin coach to see Cinderella
 They loved meeting Cinderella

 Silly faces of course!

 Big slingshot ball area
 Water play area


 Caroline's 1st roller coaster ride, of course she loved it!
 Tea cups
 Turtle twirl selfie, I'm not sure which of Caroline's faces is funnier.  This kid!!

Charlotte braved the very fast rollercoaster ride, roar-o-saurus, nope didn't like it!
Raft ride
 Tinker Bell

 Rowing the pirate boat.  When the pirate asked who is brave enough to swim out to the treasure, Caroline was the only one who raised her hand!!
I don't think they had any fun, do you?!

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