Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Funnies

Caroline says, "me need to go to bed mom.  Me yawning, yawning, yawning!"

Charlotte says to me, "can you check this to see if I did quality work."

Caroline was looking at herself in my full length mirror and says, "see mom, I beautiful!"  YES you are!

Caroline was cutting up a drawing into pieces and I asked why she was cutting up the picture.  She replies, "I just cutting his legs, I be easy!"

I told Caroline that I needed to go back to Lowe's and this is how the conversation went:
Caroline: why?
Me: because I need to return some things I bought for daddy
Caroline: why?
Me:  because I bought the wrong stuff
Caroline: why, cause you're going crazy?!
Why yes Caroline I am!

Charlotte was getting on the bus and Caroline yells to the bus driver, "I'm dressed today!"  Ha ha, most mornings she's in her pajamas!!

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