Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Funnies

We're eating dinner and Caroline bangs her plate with her fork and says, "attention please!"

Pat spilled a little bit of milk at dinner time and Caroline says, "oh bugger!"

I asked Charlotte if she wanted to try the veggie pirates booty and she replied, "No thanks, I'm allergic to green stuff!"

I yelled "dinner" to Pat in the barn and the chickens came a running!

I was painting Caroline's toenails and asked if she bites her toenails.  Without hesitation she says, "Charlotte did it."  She blames everything on her big sister!

I walk in and see this!  I ask, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"  Caroline replies, "I can't find Charlotte's princess books!"
I go get my camera and she tells me that she doesn't want her picture taken so she hides behind the rocking chair!!

And a sweet moment between sisters:  
Caroline is getting ready for bed and Charlotte comes in wanting a hug.  Caroline gives her a hug and says, "we best friends."  I hope so forever and always.

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