Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Funnies

Caroline is still carrying around a rudolph stuffed animal and I said, "didn't Rudolph fly back to the North Pole?"  She replied, "No, he doesn't have wings!"

I ran out to the barn in my slippers and when I get back inside Charlotte says, "I thought I told you not to go outside in your slippers!"  Then Caroline proceeds to get my boots and says, "here mama wear these!"

I forgot something at home and Charlotte was telling me what I should do and at the end says, "That will do the trick!"

Pat asked Caroline what a bear says and she replied, "A bear doesn't talk, silly!"

I put a bowl of cereal on the table for Caroline and she says, "they're not floating."  I poured some milk in and she exclaims, "they're floating!"

I told Caroline to go wake up her sister for school and Caroline runs to her room yelling, "cock-a-doodle-doo!"

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