Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Funnies

Caroline is still carrying around a rudolph stuffed animal and I said, "didn't Rudolph fly back to the North Pole?"  She replied, "No, he doesn't have wings!"

I ran out to the barn in my slippers and when I get back inside Charlotte says, "I thought I told you not to go outside in your slippers!"  Then Caroline proceeds to get my boots and says, "here mama wear these!"

I forgot something at home and Charlotte was telling me what I should do and at the end says, "That will do the trick!"

Pat asked Caroline what a bear says and she replied, "A bear doesn't talk, silly!"

I put a bowl of cereal on the table for Caroline and she says, "they're not floating."  I poured some milk in and she exclaims, "they're floating!"

I told Caroline to go wake up her sister for school and Caroline runs to her room yelling, "cock-a-doodle-doo!"

Monday, February 23, 2015

Charlotte's 100th Day of Kindergarten!

For the 100th day, her assignment was to design a shirt with 100 things on it.  She chose hearts in a rainbow pattern.  We picked 10 colors of felt, cut out 10 hearts of each color (mostly me), and she arranged and glued them on using fabric glue.  
Happy 100th day of school!
Showing off her crown and 100 bead necklace she made at school today.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Disney On Ice ~ Princesses & Heroes

Great show, great seats, and two happy girls!

The ending...
Charlotte's favorite part was of course Anna, Elsa & Olaf and all Caroline talked about after the show was the big dragon breathing fire!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

School Valentines

Pinterest is my friend!
Crayons for her friends, "Hope you have a COLORFUL Valentine's Day!" 
Hand soap for the teachers, "I was soapin' you'd be my Valentine!"
Being the artsy girl she is, Charlotte had lots of fun making these Valentines.  She is so excited to pass them out at her party today! 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Happy Friday!

Friday Funnies

Charlotte comes home from school singing, "bada bis bada bis no trouble."  I had no idea what she was singing until I heard the song, "All about that bass, no treble."  Ha ha, I love how little kids interpret songs!

Caroline is licking the maple syrup off her plate and says, "mmmm, yummy in my tummy!"  This girl has a major sweet tooth!

Caroline comes to me and says, "Mom, I need  medicine."  I reply, "but you're not sick."  She says, "Yeah, I'm choking" as she fake coughs.

Charlotte had something in her mouth pretending to be a dog and Caroline says, " sissy don't put that in your mouth you silly goose!"

And a reenactment from the movie Ice Age

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Valentine's Day Crafts

Caroline loves to do crafts just like her big sister.  
 For a Valentine's Day craft, she placed some heart stickers on a piece of cardstock and did lots of painting.  Simple yet fun for this 2 year old whose favorite thing to do is paint!

Another simple craft is this "I love you to pieces" one...
She tore up pieces of red and pink paper and glued them inside the heart.

She was VERY excited to show sissy and Daddy her masterpieces!