Thursday, January 15, 2015

Caroline's first trip to the ER

Yep you read that right, she swallowed a screw!  She was listening to music at the computer and when I went to check on her she was looking suspicious so I asked her what she did.  She said, "I ate a nail."  I almost didn't believe her, but then I remember there being a small screw on the computer desk and now it was gone!  She has swallowed beads before and they passed through, but I was a little worried about the screw so we headed to the ER to get x-rays.  On the way in she excitedly says, "I'm going to get a sticker!"  The x-rays showed the screw and luckily it did not have a pointy end.  The doctor said it will pass through no problem in a day or two.  Caroline was the best little patient and had no fear of anything (which is part of the problem!!)  

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