Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blizzard 2015

We received around 2 feet of snow yesterday and the girls loved it!

 "I'm sinking!"

Sledding may be fun but it's a lot of work...
 Ha ha!  Such a trooper; she did it all by herself multiple times and never complained once!
 After the trudge through the snow, they had to climb the "mountain!"

 To them, it was worth it!
"I'm hibernating!"

Happy snow day!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

At the lake

We spent the morning ice fishing and snowmobiling with the Provenchers.
 Caught a fish
 Running to the next trap
Caroline loved the fish and the snowmobile rides, but did not like having to trudge through the snow and her feet were cold so not a happy camper!
 Ready to ride

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Caroline's first trip to the ER

Yep you read that right, she swallowed a screw!  She was listening to music at the computer and when I went to check on her she was looking suspicious so I asked her what she did.  She said, "I ate a nail."  I almost didn't believe her, but then I remember there being a small screw on the computer desk and now it was gone!  She has swallowed beads before and they passed through, but I was a little worried about the screw so we headed to the ER to get x-rays.  On the way in she excitedly says, "I'm going to get a sticker!"  The x-rays showed the screw and luckily it did not have a pointy end.  The doctor said it will pass through no problem in a day or two.  Caroline was the best little patient and had no fear of anything (which is part of the problem!!)  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Caroline enjoyed a playdate with Kenzie and Tanner today.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Tanner!

It was a fun day celebrating a special little girl.  Thank you to Jason & Emily for a great party!
 Singing to the birthday girl

 With cousin Megan and big sister Kenzie
 Such a cutie!
Blowing kisses

 Lots of helpers!
 Already walking 

 Uncle Darren took the kids outdoors for some sledding.  I took pictures from inside the warm house. 
 Caroline would be on that sled!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Playing Outside

After a very COLD week, these girls were happy to be outside playing in the snow today.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New baby doll

Charlotte was so excited to receive a package in the mail today.  She loves her new baby.  Thank you Grammy!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Children's Museum

Mail lady
Finding fossils
Caroline loved the drums

She was on TV and was pretty happy about that!

A room full of pink buckets!