Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Funnies

When Caroline gets caught doing something she shouldn't she says, "Oh, come on!"  She's not too happy that I found her!

Charlotte is always practicing her letter sounds and one day after school she says, "buh buh buh...vacuum!"

Charlotte plays teacher/school from the minute she gets home til bedtime.  I love hearing ALL the things the teacher says/does and all about her classmates.  And I think Caroline is learning a lot.  One night at bedtime, out of the blue Caroline says, "B for boy!"

Caroline has a couple bath babies that she likes to play with and at the end of bathtime, I take the babies heads off to get the water out.  Well tonight after she sees me doing this, she pulls at her own head and says, "stuck! won't come off!  not fair! come on!"  Ha Ha!

I lay Caroline down for bed and say, "It's time to go to sleep."  And this is what she does!!

Charlotte was telling Dad about computer lab and says, "ya know lab, like when we had Morgan."

I was laying in bed with Caroline and she says, "Mama I ride school bus, I big.  Look I big" as she puts her legs in the air to show me how big she was!

"I hungry."
"I help you." said by Caroline all day long!

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