Monday, May 26, 2014



She kept saying, "I soaked!"

 and then there was mud!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


We spent the day at Grammie and Papa's enjoying good food, sunshine, and family!

Nice jump, blurry picture

 Crazy hair
 Tee time

 Playing with Sully
 Auntie giving her a whistle and earmuffs!
Hi Papa!
 Gambling, lol!
A great day!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Art Show

Charlotte's school held an art show tonight as a way to celebrate all of the students beautiful masterpieces.
 Ms. Michelle and all the kids did an amazing job!

 She sure does love her Grammie's!

 So the sore above her lip is from one of our chickens pecking her!  She tried to get an egg while the chicken was still in the nesting box.  Needless to say, they don't like that!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ryan's Gymnastic Birthday Party

What a fun time celebrating Ryan's 5th birthday at his preschool/gymnastics place!
 Listening to Coach Dan, who was an awesome coach and a kid at heart
 Special entrance!

 Where'd they go!?

She certainly was a determined little gymnast!

 She's pretty good, might just have to sign her up!

 Happy 5th Birthday, Ryan!
 Oh my!