Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Funnies

I was helping Charlotte learn the last part to row your boat, "life is but a dream."  Charlotte says, "Mama don't say butt that's a bad word!"

On our way to school one morning, Charlotte asks for her music and says, "I don't like your music.  It's just talk and no dance!"

Caroline was helping me unload the silverware from the dishwasher and I caught her licking each one before handing it to me.  Well, they were clean!

Caroline got her boot stuck in the mud so she took her foot out and kept on walking!

Charlotte: "Mama, you know what I did in my bed last night?"
Me: "What?"
Charlotte: "I closed my eyes!"

And it's so sweet when I'm reading a book to Caroline and she reaches down to kiss every animal!

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