Friday, August 26, 2011


This substance is very cool!  Charlotte had lots of fun discovering all its amazing properties!

To make:
Step 1:  Add 4oz glue to 1/2 cup of water and stir. 
Step 2:  Add food coloring.
Step 3: In a separate bowl, add 1 tbsp of Borax to 1 cup of hot water and stir until dissolved.  Add an additional 1/2 teaspoon of Borax to the water and stir until dissolved again. Continue adding 1/2 tsp at a time until no more will dissolve (I ended up adding 4).
Step 4:  Pour the Borax water into your glue mixture and stir well.  It will immediately start to clump together.  Continue stirring until you have a glob in the center and liquid around it.
Step 5: Carefully lift out the glob and pour out excess liquid.  (I would suggest using some kind of plastic platform to set it on).
Step 6: Enjoy!

Adding lots of food coloring.  Of course she wanted to add all 4 colors!



If you pull quickly, it will break apart

And if you pull slowly, it'll stretch out

My mistake!  I would use some type of plastic platform to set it on

If you roll it into a ball, it will slowly spread by itself 
Next time, we'll make 2 batches 2 different colors and let them "melt" together

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