Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Boston Museum of Science

We had a wonderful day with my sister, Thomas and Alex in Boston as we explored the Museum of Science.  This was Charlotte's first trip to Boston and what a tropper!  We got to the museum around 11 and left at 4:30.  She went all day with no nap and even on the ride home instead of sleeping, she was laughing and having fun with the boys!  

First ride on the T and enjoyed it

First bus ride

Alex and Thomas


Had fun pressing many, many buttons

She was excited to make the train go with the push of a button

"Talking" about the cows she just saw in a picture.  She loves cows!

She adores Thomas.  All day she kept saying "Auntie" and "Thomas," no mama! 


Trying to lift the rock!
On the see-saw 

Outside the museum waiting for the bus 

Well, there's one smile! 

And Yay, Bruins!

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