Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Caroline!

All ready to party!

Auntie Christine sure does love her nieces!

Not too sure about this! 

It didn't take long for this food lovin' girl to dig in! 

Sharing with Grammy 
and Papa.  It's Papa's birthday too!


Auntie Corinna 

Snuggling with Grammy  
Uncle Mark 
What has Auntie Christine done now?! 

Chillin' with Grammy
Auntie Christine giving Caroline a bath in our sink! 

Happy Birthday to our sweet, happy, silly, lively little girl!
You love giving kisses, "dancing" to music, animals, books, playing peek a boo, food, and being outside.
Thank you for all the love and joy you have brought into our lives.  We thank you for YOU!

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