Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Funnies

Charlotte makes us laugh and they are some of the best memories that I don't want to forget.  

She was watching Brave while I was making dinner and she comes out into the kitchen wearing just a shirt.  I asked her why she took her pants off and she said, "just like the men in the movie!"  Gotta love television's influence.

She will also quote lines from movies.  Out of the blue she says, "That's some pretty darn good racing out there.  That's what the green car said."  From the movie Cars.

Wanting to go outside, she tells me, "it's not raining or windy.  It's just nice!"

I'm getting dressed after taking a shower and she says, "Mama you have to get dressed."  I tell her I am and she says "no those are your pajamas."  Yes, I do love my black stretchy pants!

We were sitting at the dinner table and she asked where the thing she made for Daddy is.  I told her that it was a surprise and we have to wait until Sunday (Father's Day) to give it to him.  She tells me, "just go get it so we can show him and then we can put it back to hide!"  She's persistent and CAN NOT keep a secret!

She was shopping for a birthday card with Dad and as he was walking away from her to look at other cards she says to him, "Don't go too far.  You come back here.  I don't trust you."  She gets that from her mama, except for the trust part not sure where that comes from. :)

She was pretending to talk to Grandpa on her phone and the conversation goes like this, "Be nice and don't tickle Grammy!"

Charlotte wanted to go over and visit our neighbor Helen, her 2 dogs, and horse, but I told her not tonight, tomorrow.  She says, "I don't like tomorrows, I like nows!"  Well ok then!

Happy Friday!!

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