Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Morgan's surgery

A couple weeks after Morgan was diagnosed with a minor knee injury, he tore his knee ligament (CCL) when attempting to chase deer at my parent's house.  It was icy and I think he may have slipped on some ice.  End result was TPLO surgery to repair the torn ligament.  He had surgery late yesterday and came home this morning.

Charlotte missed him a lot!

It was a stressful time emotionally and financially, but thanks to my wonderful mom we got some terrific and very surprising news yesterday.  My mom took the initiative and called her homeowner's insurance company to see if a dog slipping on ice in her driveway is something they cover.  Well they submitted the claim and much to my surprise it is covered and they are going to fully reimburse us for Morgan's medical bills.  I couldn't believe they would cover something like that, especially for a pet!

Morgan is recovering very well and should be running and playing in no time, well in 8-10 weeks! 

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