Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memorial Day Weekend

 We had an estate sale and it was a big success.  If there was a lull in the action, it was brief.  One person said it was the best yard sale they've ever been to.  My father-in-law would be so proud!
We even offered free entertainment for the kids (notice the tire swing) and 
dogwalking services!!

We got pigs!
Meet Porkie and Beanie! 


Monday, May 21, 2018

Recital Weekend

It was Caroline's first year doing dance (hip hop) and she had a great experience. 
 Dress rehearsal Friday night
 Recital day
It was a crazy busy day so I only have a few pictures...

and their moms
 Standing in the rain, waiting to get in for the 2nd show
School friends
The show and the dancers (all 340 of them!) were amazing!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Charlotte's Spring Concert

 Pics courtesy of her teacher

3rd and 4th grade

Monday, May 7, 2018

Girl Scouts

Caroline's girl scout troop has been very busy these past couple months
 Field trip to the local animal shelter

Their booth sale was a HUGE success!
They earned a trip to Build-A-Bear
 They welcomed home honor flight veterans at the airport

Planet Shark at the Portland Science Center