Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Charlotte's first sewing project
Caroline's disguise a turkey project ~ Kooky Cookie Shopkin
Replicated her bear keychain...complete with hole and string! 
Why can my 5 year old color better than me!?!
Painting red maple leafs on our sap buckets

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

A wonderful day spent with family and friends!
This may end up on a Christmas card!

Running to our neighbor's to wish a Happy Thanksgiving!
 We started our day with brunch at our friend's house.
A pasture of farm animals; the girls loved it!

 Running to see the chickens
Hot chocolate!

Back home, pre-turkey nap!?! 
 While he sleeps, we take pictures.  Caroline is showing off her beautiful picture...this girl can color!

We had Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's

 Last stop...Aunt Angie's

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Happy Friendsgiving!

Charlie & Amy's picture perfect Friendsgiving

 Being silly!

 Every time I turned around they were playing ping pong with someone new! 
Such a fun night with family and friends and dogs!!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Adventures of Puppysitting

The girls have loved their week of puppysitting our neighbor's dog.
Roadtrip to the pet store 
 Shopping for a warm coat

Apparently, it's story time! 
Big.   Little.

This is not what I meant by bring the dog out for some exercise!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Life Lately

A wind storm Sunday night left us without power and no school for 3 days. 😒
We are grateful to have a generator and a camper gas stove to get us through!  Everything was back to normal Wednesday night.

These girls have been enjoying their school events...
Goals and Gummies day at school.  Charlotte's goal is to do a backend/kickover and handstand and Caroline's is to learn how to tie shoes.

School Pictures  😏
I know better...I take my own pictures and order the smallest package available
Halloween Stroll ~ Belle and Ariel

 Halloween Night ~ Brock Barn Party
So. Much. Fun

 Packed all these kids and their mama's on a wagon to go trick or treating around the neighborhood
 and since there was no school the next day we got back and partied some more!
Glad to be back to school after a 3 day hiatus, even if it's a 2 hour delay.
See ya!!
Book Character Day ~ American Girl Willa and Junie B. Jones