Friday, February 28, 2014

I Pledge Allegiance...

I love when Caroline says "america," too funny!

and for the full preschooler version.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Caroline's Big Girl Bed!

It's a little sooner than we would have liked, but she has transitioned great and she LOVES her big girl bed!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rainbow Stacked Hearts

Charlotte asked if we could do another rainbow craft like this one so I found this lovely idea here
 Caroline is painting on cardstock because my fingers couldn't handle cutting out another set of cardboard hearts and they were getting impatient!
 Easily distracted!
 Then she ran with her wet feet and pointed to the LOVE craft we did using her feet.  Silly girl!
 Ok, back to painting the hearts.  Nope, painting the "yogurt" she spotted on the newspaper!

 Gluing the last heart on
 I love it when they're so proud of what they do!
 Hanging on our front door
and on our art wall.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Little Makeup Artist

"Fingers, fingers."
She did a great job at painting my fingernails!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sleepover at the Bolduc's

Caroline climbed right up and snuggled with Blake


Night, night!

Thank you Auntie and Uncle for having the girls for a sleepover!

Friday, February 21, 2014

No more sausage

and she was not too happy about that!
Of course she got more sausage, who could resist!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day two

Boys playing I Spy
and poor Charlotte came down with an ear infection.  Our time with the boys had to end early so I could take her to the pediatrician...ugh.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spending time with one

They did great sledding down the big hill by themselves..only a few laughable wipeouts!!

 Caroline loved going down with Mommy.

 "Go! Weeee!"
 It wasn't all fun and games...I put them to work!

A little downtime watching Frozen on the "big" screen!  You can watch it HERE.
Believe me they didn't sit for long!
 Let's get Blake!
 Ryan and Caroline playing doctor and Blake and Charlotte playing with playdough.
 Running through the house chasing Blake
 Phew...what a day!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Children's Museum

Charlotte and I enjoyed a day at the Children's Museum with cousins Blake & Ryan. And you gotta love the new coordinating outfits the girls are wearing.  You come to expect that when going to Auntie's!!
Grocery shopping

 Blake loved all the puppets
 "You need help.  Okay I'm on my way!"

Blake almost got the highest basket (notice the yellow ball!)

 Puppet show
 Princess Charlotte dancing on stage

Face painting.  Blake chose cherries.
 Turtle for Ryan
 Christmas tree for Charlotte

 and a rainbow.
 Good times had by ALL!

Caroline enjoyed a day with Auntie Christine & Uncle Rob!