Sunday, September 30, 2012


Coloring at Emily's birthday party.  She loves to color!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese

This was Charlotte's first time at Chuck E. Cheese and it was a great way to celebrate 3 1/2 years!  Thank you Grammy!

She kept saying, "Watch out, buddy" as she was crashing into everything!

Dancing with Chuck E.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Baby talk!

Cute gibberish and how big does she think her mouth is!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Apple Picking

We had a fun morning with friends at Giles Orchard

Charlotte didn't want to get in the picture

until now!
Great group of moms and kids!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dog sitting

Our neighbor, Helen, asked us to come over and let her "kids" out while she was away today.  She has two pomeranians and Charlotte really enjoyed going over (every two hours) to let them out.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Apple Pie

Our neighbor invited us over for dinner tonight and we made an apple pie for dessert.
The kitchen was a mess, it took twice as long to make, but it was a fun learning experience for Charlotte and the end result was still the same.  A delicious homemade apple pie!

It may not look pretty, but it sure is yummy!


Seven months ago, my mom started planning a huge surprise 70th birthday party for my Dad and Saturday night was the night.  He thought he was going to a wedding reception for my cousin who got married in a intimate ceremony earlier this year.  Boy, was he surprised!  Today, is their 40th wedding anniversary so that was celebrated as well. 
He opened the door, we yelled surprise, and

That's better!

My sister Florie and family flew in from Virginia and he had no idea!

Little Miss Charlotte feeling better.  On the way to the hall, she said she had a belly ache and was rubbing her belly.  I arrived and before I could get out of the car, she threw up all over her pretty dress.  She was so upset.  So there I was with a sick toddler, screaming infant, and food that needed to go inside.  Family soon came to my rescue!  Pat was coming later because we needed his truck to help with cleanup.

My sister giving a speech

This is where Miss Caroline was for 2 hours (sound asleep).  And Papa didn't sit down once!

Being presented with an anniversay gift

My 92 year old Great Aunt doing the chicken dance.  She did A LOT of dancing!

My niece, Ashleigh, and sister Florie doing the macarena 
Ashleigh dancing with Dad

Dad and us four kids

and our spouses

Happy Birthday, Dad and Anniversary to some pretty GREAT parents.  We love you!

Friday, September 21, 2012


Caroline loves Sophie the Giraffe


Monday, September 17, 2012

Alfred Park

A few months ago, Charlotte wouldn't go down the swirly slide at the park.  Today, no hesitation!

Three Year Olds!

Gotta love the mind of a three year old! The other day Charlotte says to me, "when you're little you can bounce on the trampoline with me!"  This morning I asked, "How'd you sleep? "  She got down on the floor and showed me how she slept!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Caroline ~ 3 months

She's one active 3 month old!  She is constantly kicking and moving (just like in utero).  If you lay her down on her belly she wiggles her way forward until something stops her.  Even then she tries to keep going!  I'm thankful for crib bumbers! 
I'm also thankful for the infant carrier.  She loves to be held.  This has been a lifesaver when we go places since she isn't content for very long in her car seat or stroller.
She is still sleeping through the night, but no matter how tired she is she will not go to bed before 9pm. Most mornings she wakes up around 7:30.   
She loves her fist, musical toys, being rocked, bathtime, looking at herself in the mirror, and outdoor sights and sounds.

Pictures from a beautiful fall day.  Happy 3 months! 
Such a happy girl!




Love these too!