Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Cameron

We spent the day celebrating Cameron's birthday at their family camp on Mousam Lake

Megan and Cameron splashing Grandpa Dave 
And him splashing them! 

Kenzie with her Dad
And her mom  ♥

Cameron fishing

Kenzie finishing her cake!

Caroline taking a long nap


Charlotte spent a lot of time "painting"

Swimming back and forth with Megan

Nothing stops this girl

Best friends and so much alike

Friday, August 24, 2012

Old Orchard Beach

Perfect end to a beautiful summer day

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Acton Fair

We spent the evening at the Acton Fair.  A small fair, tons of fun!


Tylenol kicked in.  Caroline had her shots this morning and was not happy during the afternoon.  Gave her tylenol, went to the fair, and didn't hear a peep out of her.  She loved being outside taking in all the sights and sounds (when she wasn't sleeping). 

When I told Charlotte the power went out and they couldn't serve ice cream, she said she was going to stand right there and wait.  She says, "I NEED ice cream!"  She only had to wait a few minutes and all was right with the world!

Caroline's 2 month stats

She weighs 12 pounds and is 22 1/2 inches.  She is still sleeping through the night and takes two 3-4 hour naps during the day. 
I just love everything about her.  Her smiles and coos make my heart melt!

Monday, August 20, 2012


I took Charlotte to the pediatrician this morning because she is having an outbreak of blister type sores.  They started on her stomach and then spread to her face.  We got her some cream and they should go away in a few days.  It is caused by her excessive scratching and picking of mosquito bites.  That girl is relentless! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Cousin Logan

Before the party...

I think it's the headband!

At the party... 

Birthday boy holding Caroline

I just love sweet Caroline's expressions, priceless!


Several minutes and many outtakes later, we have a somewhat good family picture!!