Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Day with the Bolducs

Good day for the sprinkler!



Auntie painting Charlotte's toenails

Charlotte wanted her fingernails painted too

Back outside to play ball

Relaxing after a long day of PLAY!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Charlotte's first dental visit

(Cell pictures)
Ready to get her teeth cleaned
Such a trooper!

All clean!  She had some staining due to the small amount of iron we have in our water, but nothing that would lead to cavities. Dentist said teeth were in great shape. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Beach - Kennebunk

We had a great time at the beach with Mimi, Blake, and Ryan

Blake jumping
Blake falling

Finding shells
At the playground



Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I spoke with my doctor this morning and she said everything looked great.  The placenta has moved so there is no need for a c-section, yay!

Monday, May 14, 2012

35 weeks

I had a doctor appt on Thursday and everything was great. Total weight gain was 24lbs.  I had an ultrasound this morning and baby girl was in the 64th percentile for growth.  The weight came in around 6lbs 5oz, but being this far along makes it less accurate.  It can be off as much as a pound, let's hope! I haven't confirmed with the doctor yet, but she said the placenta looks ok.  It has to be 2cm away from the cervix.  I feel great and I have to say this little girl is much more active than Charlotte was.  The ultrasound tech said she was going to come out running!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ryan's 3rd Birthday Party

Our birthday gift to Ryan

 Lovin' his new ride

Let's eat cake!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Farm Land

Charlotte loves going to the farm, so today she made her own beautiful farm landscape.

Paint one section of cardstock brown for the soil.

Green for grass.

Yellow for the crops.

Blue for the sky.

Then add details.  Using a cotton swab, she added brown dirt to the grass.

Crops to the yellow section also using a cotton swab.

And clouds to the sky using a cotton ball.  Put the four pieces together and you have a farm!