Friday, September 30, 2011

Apple Prints

We made apple prints using the apples we picked yesterday.  You can cut top to bottom or you cut down the middle to make an apple "star" print.  We did both!

She mixed the colors and it resulted in a very nice fall apple print!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apple Picking Adventure with Friends

The rain didn't stop us from apple picking at McDougal's Orchard.  We couldn't do the hayride and picnic as planned, but we still had fun!

Pictures taken with cell

The girls!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2 1/2 years old!

Pictures were taken at my brother's home in their beautiful field

Getting a smile was hard until I let her "climb" the tree!

The horse finally came towards us

Time passes so quickly that I thought I would write down some memorable things about our beautiful little girl who makes us laugh every single day.

In the past 6 months, we've been amazed with the vast expansion of vocabulary.  She can be very dramatic, "Oh, God!" and also very independent.  Everything is "I do it!"  Definitely has a mind of her own.  She is also very sweet and polite.  She gives lots of hugs and kisses and is very good at saying please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry.
She can count to 10 and knows most letters (still working on saying the alphabet).
She likes to paint, color, play outside (especially at the park), dance, shop, cook with Mommy and in her kitchen, and now gets excited when Mommy says we have an activity to do (yay!).  She also LOVES playing with her dolls.  It's adorable when she rocks them and sings rock-a-bye baby.  She has 3 favorite shows that she watches over and over again (when we allow it), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Curious George and Leap Frog Letter Factory.
She loves her puppy, Morgan!  She likes to give him hugs, take him for a walk, feed him, and yes even ride him, lol!  Dogs, cows, and horses are her favorite animals!
She has a great appetite and we hope that continues.  Loves all fruits, yogurt, ice cream (by far her favorite), and snacks.  When I make a pasta meat dish, she eats more meat than pasta!  I would say she covers all main food groups on a daily basis!
And of course she has her moments...when she doesn't want to listen.  I ask her to come and do something, she tells me "one minute, mama."  Makes it very hard to be stern!

Ahhh, the joys of parenthood!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Silly Putty

Charlotte likes to play with Daddy's therapy putty that he has for his hand so today we made our own.  We did this by mixing 2 tablespoons of warm water, 2 tablespoons of elmer's glue, a drop or two of food coloring, and 2 tablespoons of borax together.

She had lots of fun squeezing, stretching, and cooking with it! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rochester Fair

All the usual fair animals & a Giraffe!!

Her favorite ride, mine too!

We visited the animals, rode and rides, and enjoyed a circus! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Puffy Paint

Mixing 2/3 cup flour, 2/3 cup salt, and 2/3 cup water.  We separated the mixture and added 1 tablespoon of the colors she wanted (of course, pink and blue).  Then we put in squeeze containers. 

She had lots of fun squeezing!

Very cool three-dimensional paint!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sleepover Success!

She did great; slept all night and woke up happy!  She got to watch the Disney channel and walked down the street to see the cows.  She said she missed puppy and when Grammy asked her if she was ready to go home, she said no!  She seemed really happy to be home though!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Sleepover!

Packed and ready to go to Grammy's!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bubble Wrap Painting

Charlotte loves to paint so I gave her a different texture to paint on, bubble wrap!

Pressing it on paper

Just a few of the many, many prints she did!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Button Monogram

I made this monogram to hang in Charlotte's room

Friday, September 2, 2011

Story Land

"Where Fantasy Lives"


Taking pictures of nature while we were on the balloon ride

Blake the pirate

The whale went fast!

Very cute farm tractors

Fast asleep 


Going to see Cinderella

Saved the best for last!