Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alfred Park

We met Emily, Cameron, and Kenzie for a morning of fun at the park

Yay, Cameron!

Cameron taking her baby!
Sweet baby Kenzie 

I Love Summer!

Oops, a little blurry, but too cute not to post!
We finally had some summer like weather after a week and half of rain and cold temps.

Big Girl Bed!

When I put Charlotte in her crib Tuesday for nap, she didn't want to go, she wanted to go in the big bed.  I wasn't sure how well she would do, but she took her usual 3 hour nap!  And she's done great ever since.  Bye, bye crib!

 Goodnight kiss
Growing way too fast!

Pet Rock ~ Deering Oaks Park

My mom and I took Morgan and Charlotte to the first ever Pet Rock in Deering Oaks Park on Sunday and we had a blast!  Morgan loved playing with the other dogs, even the rotweiller pictured below!

 Such a begger!
Not a patient dog!
 Charlotte was VERY excited to get to play at the park

 It was chilly, but we couldn't resist some ice cream

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Cousin Ryan

 Singing Happy Birthday

 Too much pressure to blow out the candle!

 Spoon wasn't working so well!

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Man"ual Labor

My mom and I carried all of this lumber from upstairs in the garage to the trailer this afternoon.  What a workout!  How does one man collect so much!