Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Little Pampering

Facial. Haircut. Shopping. I had a WONDERFUL day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

18 Months Old!

Happy Half Birthday, Baby Girl!!

  • Follows instructions very well (brings an object to you, sits down, gives hugs and kisses, etc.)
  • Mimcs our actions
  • She only says mama and dada (and everything is dada), but babbles all the time with great expression.
  • Completes wooden puzzles, plays peek a boo, rolls a ball back and forth, scribbles, sits and reads books on her own. She loves looking at picture books and can correctly point to an object when asked
  • Points to eyes, ears, nose, mouth, feet, head/hair, belly. Gives high fives
  • Walks everywhere, loves to be chased, walks backwards, climbs stairs, dances to music
  • Helps take her clothes off and helps with buckles and zippers
  • May not be a milestone, but she has finally come to the realization that peanut butter is yummy!

Other notable mentions:

She absolutely loves to be outside which usually involves playing in the dirt, pulling up weeds, throwing the ball to Morgan, playing in her rice pit and sandbox and just walking around exploring our yard.

I stopped nursing a month ago and it was a lot easier than I thought. I am happy that I was able to nurse as long as I did and Charlotte doesn't seem to miss it.

It seems like everyday she learns something new. It is just amazing how fast they learn and grow!

Pictures to come soon!

Monday, September 27, 2010

What's A Little Rain?

This little girl still loves to be outside. She's walking away from her sandbox with wet and dirty pants!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Enjoying One Final Summer-Like Day

Yep, this boy likes to eat!babysitting the Bolduc Boys, Blake and Ryan.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Play, Play, Play

Walking to the park
After play and music time at Greenlight Studio, we headed to nearby Payson Park. We then took a short walk along Baxter Blvd so Charlotte could point to each dog, get excited, and laugh. Tonight, Morgan came up to her and she opened her mouth and gave him a big kiss. Her love for dogs is just so gosh darn cute!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Goodbye Summer!

It certainly feels like Fall. We've had an excellent Summer, but I am ready for apple picking, Fryeburg Fair, and snowmobiling! We've also started going back to the playgroup in Porter and Charlotte absolutely loves it. There are around 10 other toddlers there and she plays very well with them and independently. I am so glad!

Here are more pictures of Charlotte to enjoy:

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's My Birthday!

Yep, I'm 30! I went to lunch at the Olive Garden with Christine, Blake and Ryan. It was going good until Charlotte vomited all over the table! At least we were all done eating and she was in good spirits after. It was an eventful, but enjoyable day. Thank you again for lunch, Christine.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Where's Ryan?There he is!Logan and Blake playing in the sandboxEveryone loved Charlotte's rice bin, even 9 year old Alex!Doing a great job, as always! Mechanical problems!
Hugs for Maimey
Ryan loves to eat, especially cake!Picture taken with my new zoom lens. Thank you to my wonderful husband!Blake and Ryan loved going fast down our bumpy drivewayBathtime!Pat planned a surprise 30th b-day party for me and it was a great time!