Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Different View

Charlotte rode forward facing for the first time today and she thought it was great. She's always done great riding in the car, most times falling asleep. But what else is there to do when most trips are 40 minutes one way?!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fifteen Months Old!

Charlotte has gotten really good at walking and keeps us very busy!!
Here are just a few things WE find amusing:
  • points to all deer, dogs, and tractors (she truly is a redneck!)
  • her dancing makes us laugh everytime
  • if she has something that she shouldn't put in her mouth (like dog food) and we tell her no, she will obey but "run" from us and laugh and then put it back into her mouth until we tell her no again
  • eats off the floor just like the dog
  • gives Daddy high fives when going night night
  • if you ask her where's Daddy, she will walk to the door and point outside (I think he spends too much time working)
  • And we just love watching her walk around in just a diaper (gotta love all the rolls!)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Greenlight Studio

Dress up! (blurry because she got too close)Charlotte had a great time at this indoor play center today. When we got there, we joined in on music and storytime. Then Charlotte roamed around and found many fun things to play with. Here is a coupon for anyone interested, http://thesunriseguide.com/uploads/2010%20Coupons/Greenlight_Studio_JunJulAug.pdf

On another note, these pictures taken at Greenlight were the first ones taken with my new camera, Canon Rebel 550D!! So far, so PERFECT, but I have many things to learn!

First Swim In Our Pool

I'm Ready!Everytime we go outside, Charlotte heads straight for the pool. We usually just get our hands and feet wet, but today we took the plunge! She liked her float, but would rather swim and play with Mommy!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Pat, you are the hardest working person I know, but also a smart, funny, kind and gentle father to Charlotte. Thank you for all the love and laughter you bring into our lives.

A Bird Feeder

Charlotte and I made a bird feeder for Pat's Father's Day gift. It is made out of a milk carton that I painted green and then Charlotte added her special touches!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

We celebrated Pat's birthday with dinner and ice cream. Pat loves Shaker Pond's homemade ice cream and Charlotte couldn't get enough of it! Happy Birthday to a great person and amazing father and husband! We love you!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Children's Museum

6 months
She wants that basket!

It was a different experience at the Children's Museum yesterday than when she was 6 months old! She went grocery shopping, visited a bunny, played in water, and sat on a tractor.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Portland's Old Port Festival

We enjoyed all the wonderful sights and sounds of the Old Port Festival today. Charlotte loved everything - especially the parade, dancing to the different kinds of music, watching the pony rides, her red balloon, and of course all the dogs!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

She's Walking!!!

Charlotte has been taking several steps on her own for a few weeks, however, this week she has really taken off!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Green Oobleck!

Charlotte had a fun time playing with oobleck today, which is made by mixing cornstarch and water. You can grab it and then it will ooze out of your hands. It's amazing that something so simple can be so fascinating! Gotta love Dr. Seuss (the inventor)!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deering Oaks Park & Lunch with Daddy

After the park, we went to Pat's job site and had lunch. Airplane! Let's go, Daddy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


After nap today, Charlotte painted with edible paint using a straw and cotton swap. Edible paint is made by mixing egg yolks with food coloring, so easy!