Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

We went to Limerick's Memorial Day parade this morning. After the very short parade, we had a cookout at my parents house.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Water Play

Oops, in the face!Charlotte loves to play in Morgan's water bowl so I gave her a big tub of water to play in this morning. And then added some toys. She enjoyed filling the cup and pouring out the water...on herself!

Good Dog!

These pictures were taken on Monday. I love that Morgan is so easy and relaxed with Charlotte. And she just loves taking his toys!

Beach Day

We went to Higgins Beach in Scarborough yesterday. I forgot my camera so these not so good pictures were taken with my phone. Charlotte loved the sand this time. She walked all around the beach barefoot and enjoyed splashing her little feet in all the puddles!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Long Pond

Lovin' it!Charlotte clapping after I said "Yay, Morgan"Keeping an eye on Morgan

We spent a hot afternoon at Long Pond today. The water may have been too cold for Charlotte, but not for Morgan. There was no hesitation from him as he ran right into the water. We take him here every summer and he loves every minute of it. The best part is it's five minutes from our house!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ogunquit Beach

I took Charlotte to the beach for the first time today. She loved the water, but did not like touching the sand!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cousin Ryan's 1st Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy!Wagon ride with Cousin LoganPresents...I think he likes it!Cake...
Happy Birthday Ryan!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A True Gift

The best gift of all is being a full time Mom to this beautiful and precious little girl. Her warm kisses, smiles and laughs are all I need!

I hope all Moms enjoyed their special day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Big Orange Tractor

Charlotte loved her first ride with Daddy on the tractor as he spread loam for my Mother's Day gift, a strawberry patch!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good Friends

We enjoyed yesterday afternoon with Emily and her 8 month old boy Cameron. After the two played, we took them for a stroller ride around the neighborhood.