Monday, December 28, 2009

Nine Months Old!

Thank you Auntie Christine for the beautiful tree and adorable pj's!

My how she has grown! This past month:
  • Charlotte is saying "mama" and "dada"
  • Responds to her name
  • She is rolling over from belly to back
  • Scoots across our wood floors
  • She loves finger foods and feeding herself. She will eat just about anything, including prunes! She has had puffs, cheerios, toast, cheese, yogurt, banana, and pasta. She has started to use a pincer grasp when eating. She also likes to take a drink of water and spit some out. What fun!
  • Favorite things include playing ball, holding and turning pages of books, music, dancing, being outside, riding in the front of the shopping cart, raspberries on the belly, bathtime, kisses from our dog, eating, and let's not forget napkins and the remote control!

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!

She knows right what to do!Christmas was spent at home this year and we had a wonderful day. After Charlotte's three hour nap, we enjoyed a delicious ham dinner with the grandparents and then Charlotte and Morgan opened their gifts. Charlotte did a great job with all of her presents. She seemed to enjoy her baby doll the most and Morgan enjoyed his tennis balls and treats!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sittin' by the tree

Finally, she looks at me!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Playdate with Cousin Ryan

Ornament gift from MaimeyOooh, what's that?I don't share!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Colby Family Christmas Party

Tonight was our 31st annual Christmas party. It was also Charlotte's first time meeting Santa and she did very well. She grabbed his beard and then went for the gift! And not one tear!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Charlotte enjoyed sledding in our first snowfall of the season.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holiday Fun!

Charlotte's very first parade!! Limerick held it's 4th annual Christmas parade. She saw Santa, Frosty, Rudolph, firetrucks and loved every second of it!
We then went and picked out our Christmas tree. It's going to be a very Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet potatoes and puffs, yum!!

Playing with cousin Ryan (for a few minutes before she starts to cry)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sleep update

Charlotte will only sleep on her tummy! I try to put her to bed on her back and she cries so I roll her on her stomach and she immediately goes to sleep and sleeps through the night. I have convinced myself that because she is older it is OK.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Charlotte was looking at our dog, Morgan, who was barking and growling at her and his hair was sticking straight up on his back!!