Saturday, January 26, 2013

Don't stick beads up your nose!

I hope Charlotte learned her lesson this morning.  All I know is one minute we were snuggling in bed and the next she is telling me there is a bead up her nose!  I thought she was kidding until I shined a flashlight and saw a small green bead lodged pretty far up, so far that I knew tweezers wouldn't work.  So we spent the next couple hours trying to get it out.  But how do you successfully do so with a squirmy child who thinks everything is going to hurt, ugh!  My first thought was getting her to blow her nose, but that didn't work so Pat got out the vacuum cleaner.  Still no success.  I tried things to make her sneeze, including pepper which ended up getting in her eye which led to a round of tears.  So, I went to my trusted friend, Google, and I learned of an approach similar to CPR.  I blocked the unaffected nostril and blew into her mouth.  I did this repeatedly, but it wasn't working.  Finally, Pat took some pepper and rubbed it on the end of her nose and when she snorted it popped out!  Excitement and relief filled the room!  Thank God a trip to the ER had been avoided!

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