Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mashed Potatoes!

I seldom make mashed potatoes, but tonight I thought I would give them a try.  I might not try again for a while!!  After I finished beating them with the mixer, I went to hit the eject button but accidentally hit the power.  Potato went flying and a glob stuck to the side of Charlotte's face!  I found it to be very funny, Charlotte not so much!  I didn't think it was possible to screw up simple mashed potatoes, but I managed to do so.  They came out very doughy.  How does that even happen?!  We found it quite funny when Pat turned the bowl upside down and nothing moved!  We ate them anyway and so did Charlotte.  I was cleaning up after dinner and the next thing I knew Charlotte's face was completely covered in potatoes.  Apparently since Charlotte's hands were covered in potatoes, Pat thought it would be funny to get her to play peekaboo with hands over eyes!
Never a dull moment!!  

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