Sunday, August 1, 2010

Matt & Brianna's Wedding ~ Girls Day!

Showing off her dance moves!Playing peek-a-booThe first dance started out slow and then turned into a collage of upbeat songs!
My sister and IAnd what an awesome day it was! My mom, sister, Charlotte and I traveled to Boothbay Harbor yesterday for my cousin Matt's wedding. The ceremony took place at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. We arrived 1 hour early so we visited the children's garden, which was stunning. I would love to go back and spend an entire day there.
The wedding started and the bride rode in on horse and buggy, which was a complete surprise to her. She thought she was going to come in on a golf cart, but Matt arranged otherwise! When we arrived at the reception, which was at the Spruce Point Inn, Charlotte immediately headed towards the dance floor and started dancing. It was soooo cute and funny! But by the time the actual dancing started, Charlotte was a very tired girl and didn't want any part of it.
This was a day we will never forget. It was such a gorgeous wedding and they truly are a special couple with love so evident. Congratulations Matt & Brianna!

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