Monday, December 28, 2009

Nine Months Old!

Thank you Auntie Christine for the beautiful tree and adorable pj's!

My how she has grown! This past month:
  • Charlotte is saying "mama" and "dada"
  • Responds to her name
  • She is rolling over from belly to back
  • Scoots across our wood floors
  • She loves finger foods and feeding herself. She will eat just about anything, including prunes! She has had puffs, cheerios, toast, cheese, yogurt, banana, and pasta. She has started to use a pincer grasp when eating. She also likes to take a drink of water and spit some out. What fun!
  • Favorite things include playing ball, holding and turning pages of books, music, dancing, being outside, riding in the front of the shopping cart, raspberries on the belly, bathtime, kisses from our dog, eating, and let's not forget napkins and the remote control!

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