Friday, August 28, 2009

Five months

This is Charlotte after Morgan decided he had enough and took off! Surprisingly, she remained sitting.She doesn't look too impressed!
You looking at me!?!?This past month Charlotte has been laughing. It's the most beautiful sound ever! She fills our lives with so much joy each and every day.
Her bathtime is getting to be quite the adventure. Let's just say I end up wet! I think it might be time to go to the big tub.
We spend most of our time outside. She loves to just look around. And whenever she starts to get fussy, she will stop once I step outside. I'm not looking forward to winter weather.
For the past two weeks she has been waking up at night for a feeding. I'm not sure if it is a growth spurt or teething. Whatever it is, I hope it stops soon!

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